Castanet Prime Drop

Tracy Head • Jul 26, 2024

With the announcement this week that prime had dropped by a quarter point (.25 per cent) I had a number of calls from clients wondering how this would affect their mortgage.

We haven’t seen any changes to what lenders are offering for fixed rates yet. This may follow, but fixed rates follow the overnight bond yields as opposed to prime rate. 

For clients who have variable rate mortgages, this change to prime means that the interest cost on their mortgage will decrease by that quarter point as well.

There are two types of payments with variable mortgages.

Some lenders have a static payment, meaning regardless of what prime does your payment stays the same. If prime goes up you pay less towards principal and more towards interest. If prime goes down, you pay more towards the principal of your mortgage.

The second type of payment on variable mortgages is an adjustable payment. This means that as prime changes your payment also changes. You pay the same amount against the principal of your mortgage, but your payment will drop if prime drops, or increase if prime increases.

Some people prefer a static payment for budgeting purposes. Others are comfortable with a little fluctuation with their payment amount.

What does a drop in prime equal in dollars and cents?

As an example, I ran the numbers for a $500,000 mortgage priced at prime minus one percent using 5.95 per cent, then at 5.7 per cent to reflect where clients might be right now.

In this example, the payment decreased by $74.00.

$74.00 a month may not seem like a big deal, but that covers either my hydro or my natural gas bill every month.

I feel as if many people have been sitting back waiting to see what direction the government is going to take with respect to monetary policy. 

Over the last few weeks it feels like our market in the Okanagan has been picking up. It will be interesting to see if this most recent change sparks changes to the fixed rates as well, and if that translates to better renewal rates and more home sales.

Side note: if you have a home purchase in the works that is set to close soon, I encourage you to finalize your home insurance policy sooner rather than later. So far we have been fortunate, but if there is an active fire within a 50 km radius some insurance companies will not provide coverage for new policies. The companies that do charge higher premiums because of the perceived risk.

Tracy Head

Mortgage Broker

By Tracy Head 07 Oct, 2024
When I am working with clients on their mortgage approvals there are several decisions they need to make. The questions differ a bit based on whether we are working on a purchase, a refinance, or a straight renewal. We talk about amortization, term, and the specific mortgage product. These questions differ a bit based on what we are doing and the clients’ specific situation. Amortization refers to the total length of time required to pay your mortgage in full. Term refers to the length of time you choose to lock into a specific rate. Some of the decisions can be scripted if you are purchasing with less than twenty per cent down and your mortgage requires default insurance. These rules have recently changed (again situation specific) but length of term is up to the individual client. Historically many people choose five year terms because lenders offer lower rates for this term. Over the last two years I’ve had far more people opt to pay a slightly higher interest rate and choose a three year term, gambling that rates will be lower then. Over the last year specifically as home prices have risen at the same time as the cost of living has escalated I’ve had different conversations with clients about the amortization they choose. With the recent announcement of changes coming to maximum amortizations for new builds and first time home buyers it will be interesting to see how these discussions change over the next few months. For clients who were working on refinances or purchases with over twenty per cent down we had the option of extending to a thirty year amortization. Some clients are resistant to stretching out the length of their mortgage and for solid reasons. Our parents’ generation was all about getting their mortgages paid off as soon as possible. This is obviously the choice that made the most sense and was more achievable for them and has been ingrained in many of us. Our current reality is that home prices and cost of living have skyrocketed while wages have not kept pace. I’ve heard the argument that our parents were not enjoying a life style that included $6 coffees every day. Fair enough. However, I have clients that live very frugally and are still struggling. Life happens. Divorce or separation happen. Devastating accidents or illness happen. Childcare bills escalate. Jobs are lost. Stuff happens. Particularly when I am working with clients that are consolidating or buying at a significantly higher price point we have a thorough discussion comparing the difference in monthly payments for (usually) a twenty-five amortization versus a thirty year amortization. Signing for a shorter amortization makes better sense for your long-term financial plan. However, if the higher payment causes you stress month after month and you end up in the same boat again a few years down the road the long term benefit is not there. Every lender offers several ways to make extra payments against the principal of your mortgage. Interest rates will likely be different every time you renew your mortgage. Your income and bills change over time. I will always be an advocate for paying your mortgage off sooner but many of my conversations with clients are pretty raw about the reality of making your payments every month. The positive news is that rates have been trending down over the last month which will help provide a bit of relief. The better news is that by making thoughtful decisions around your choices for amortization and term you may help reduce your overall stress level.
By Tracy Head 21 Sep, 2024
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